The people we are currently Targeting:
Samburu, Turkana, Ndorobo, Rendille, Borana, Somali, Bulji, Gabra, Malakote, Tharaka, Maasai, Aembu, Kamba, Mijikenda, Giriama, El molo
Below is a list of ways in which you can support Cornerstone Mission:
- Ask God to 'enlarge our tents'. Send an email to cem572ke@yahoo.com and ask for our Prayer Letter email
(5 times p.a.) to keep you up to date on prayer topics.
- Sponsor a pastor and family (kshs.7200/=) ($80).
- Sponsor a camp.
- Sponsor open air meetings/outreach.
- Provide speaking invitations or just talk about the work to others.
- Present or ask your friends to make a donation in lieu of birthday presents or flowers.
- Sponsor a child through nursery school from (kshs 900 )($10) per month.
- Sponsor an orphan child from (kshs.1800) ($20) per month.
- Sponsor a deaf, blind or other special needs child through primary school for (Kshs 2,700) ($30) per month.
- Sponsor a secondary school for a young person at boarding school from (kshs 4,500) ($50) per month (most secondary education in Kenya is boarding).
- Gifts towards Capital projects: Church buildings, buying of bicycles and motorcycles, homes for children, furnishings, clothes and uniforms, digging bore holes, providing hand pumps, repairing water supplies, building classroom etc.
© 2023 Copyright Cornerstone Ministry Kenya. All rights reserved.